User Management

Users API


With this Users API you can create, update, and deactivate users. Other than that you can get all the information about users.



The createUser API is used to synchronize user data to ROQ. You can find the full API documentation of this mutation here (opens in a new tab).


It's important to save the returned user ID in your database because the API needs it for other functionalities.

  user: {
    reference: '8d04d09a-8ff8-4393-840d-c69f3f1f7dfa',
    email: '',
    phone: '+15550001234',
    firstName: 'Anna',
    lastName: 'W',
    locale: 'en-Us',
    timezone: 'Asia/Bangkok',
    isOptedIn: false,
    active: true
referencestringHere you can set your identifier (e.g. the UUID of the user entity in your database). This way you can filter users by your own identifier.
emailstringEmail of the user
firstNamestringFirst name of the user
lastNamestringLast name of the user
isOptedInbooleanSet to true after the user confirm the email.
activebooleanSet to true if the user is activate and able to login to your application.
localestringThe locale represents the language and the country of the user, e.g. en-US means “english in US”. The locale is used for translations of all UI components as well as for sending notifications.
activebooleanSet to true if the user is activate and able to login to your application.
tenantIdUUIDID of the tenant which you created using the createTenant() API


To modify user data, simply use the updateUser() (opens in a new tab) API. The mutation process is similar to that of createUser(), but instead of creating a new user, updateUser() will alter the existing user data.

const updateUser = await roqClient.asSuperAdmin().updateUser({
   id: "4c94b763-9021-499f-8ea3-b01adcdafe57",
   user: {
iduuidThe user ID
userobjectThe user data that needs to be updated. Please refer to the link (opens in a new tab) for the necessary details.

Deactivating a User

To deactivate a user, just use the updateUser() mutation and set the active user option to false.


This is only possible from the server side of your application.

  id: "4c94b763-9021-499f-8ea3-b01adcdafe57"
  user: {
    active: false



You can fetch all users using the users() (opens in a new tab) query.

  limit: 10

All the GraphQL query parameters in this documentation can be applied here to narrow down the results.

Filter By Reference

With users() API method you can filter users by reference. For example, if you want to filter the user using reference 8d04d09a-8ff8-4393-840d-c69f3f1f7dfa:

const usersResponse = await roqClient.asSuperAdmin().users({
	filter: {
		reference: {
			equalTo: '8d04d09a-8ff8-4393-840d-c69f3f1f7dfa'

The output result from the code above is:

{ users: { data: [
    id: '2d8763f8-ab49-40d1-b989-372bcdd88189',
    reference: '8d04d09a-8ff8-4393-840d-c69f3f1f7dfa',
    firstName: '',
    lastName: '',
    active: true,
    email: '',
    phone: null,
    locale: 'en-US',
    isOptedIn: false,
    synced: true,
    tenantId: 'ee764883-f2c3-4486-9de6-070345e350af',
    customData: {},
    timezone: null,
    avatarUrl: '',
    createdAt: '2023-08-08T01:25:38.821Z',
    updatedAt: '2023-08-08T01:25:38.821Z'
], totalCount: 1 } }


You can fetch a specific user information using the user() query. The API documentation is here (opens in a new tab).

  id: '80c81294-f338-4819-9b1f-acc314babd5f' 
iduuidThe user ID. You can get the id by filter the users() response or use the repsonse of the createUser() API.